Upcoming Events

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Highland Laker Kids are discovering this summer all the fun involved with being one of "God's Secret Agents". Please join us as we discover interesting people from the bible, learn some great, positive values and enjoy making creative crafts. Most of all -- the kids just have a lot of fun and get to hang out with other kids!

Summer Sermon Series
Examining Controversial Issues Biblically
Starting Sunday, July 4


Pastor Ron and his family will be away July 26 to August 10. Pastor Ron is a native of Nova Scotia and will be visiting there for the first time in 20 years. Please keep the Mahlers in prayer as they travel, and that the family would have a great time seeing all the sights (and eating lots of fish!)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Is the Bible Valid?

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,

and is profitable for doctrine,

for reproof,

for correction,

for instruction in righteousness,

that the man of God may be complete,

thoroughly equipped for every good work.

-1 Timothy 3:16, 17 (New King James Version)

Imagine if you will—
You are out with a friend who is unsure about God and the church—and the topic of the Bible’s validity as God’s Word comes up.
How would you respond to them?
How would you contend that the Bible that you read, hold as sacred and align your life around is really of God?
Is it possible to do?
Is it just faith you need?
This is a difficult topic to approach—and one that requires more than a theologically pat answer from a Christian, such as "I just choose to believe!" Sure, we must believe—but isn’t there more to it? Our faith shouldn’t be just a "dart-in-the-dark" exercise. It should be explainable in intelligent ways. In order to answer the question of the Bible’s validity as God’s Word to us, we must give a balanced explanation that makes room for both God’s involvement and the "human" element in the forming of the Bible—which we hold as authoritative "scripture."
In one sense, the Bible is a human document—its authors were as fallible as you and I are. They each wrote using their unique personalities, perspectives and ways of communicating. The Bible is a collection of letters and books that express human understanding and reflect God’s working and words, all rooted in history. So, if the Bible is about God’s involvement in human history from the creation of the world, it can be seen as a spiritual document as well. How then can we "believe" the words of the Bible’s authors are really God’s Word to us? Well, even though Jesus is the central person in God’s address to us, threaded through the Old and New Testaments, God chose to communicate His message of redemption in Christ through the critical thinking of human vessels. Some writing from first-hand account, others writing from the memories of the apostles’ teachings, each author had a place in their own historical church setting. God made us able to grasp His self-revelation and to respond to Him. Consequently, in terms of the New Testament, God also chose to make what is known as the "apostolic circle" responsible for recording, preserving and passing on the accounts and events of Jesus’ earthly ministry and message of salvation—as they understood it—through the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. This comes closer to the meaning of the biblical term "inspiration," of which the apostle Paul speaks of in his letter to Timothy.
Therefore, the writings in the Bible are not merely human ideas, nor are they the reckless sovereignty of a "dictating" God overriding and determining the pens of the apostles, as it were. Rather, the Bible reflects the confirmation that its authors, who were accepted and respected by the very first Christian communities after Jesus’ crucifixion, had reliable authority. The early church believed God was speaking through the apostles’ writings and teachings. What that realistically means for us today is that we can accept intelligently that the authors of the Bible were esteemed as having authority. Isn’t it possible, then, that the documents they passed on to us demonstrate God’s voice and truth in them? Isn’t it worth considering?

Having authority:
Ones who accurately and consistently taught God’s will
for faith and life centred in Jesus.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A New Year's Message from our Pastor

Happy NEW YEAR to all! Thank you for visiting our blog. We are just days into a brand new year and already, people are weary. As we all know, it is only the numbers and name of month that change - and not necessarily our circumstances on January 1st. I noticed that a lot of commercials advertising for Christmas this year carried with them a predominant message: hope for peace. Everybody is crying out for peace. Why shouldn’t we? The United Nations says that there are roughly 130 plus known wars (by their standards of what constitutes a war) going on in our world today. The spectre of new wars rises, it seems, with every passing newscast. The season for "peace on earth" may have come and gone - but war, strife, and heartache, for millions of people, continues. In our own country, we are facing an uncertain future - politically. After reading numerous articles over the Christmas holidays concerning our crisis in Ottawa, it is apparent that now, more than ever, people are losing their confidence and faith in government. South of the border, America faces an unknown future as well. Barack Obama, a promising, yet untested leader, will take the reigns of the most powerful office in the world, during an unprecedented time of geo-political and economic turmoil. The sentiment, worldwide, seems to be that things are getting worse for planet earth. We face new, global problems and realities - with little answers, as leadership vacuums abound. What to do? The interlude of peace and hope that comes with Christmas time, as one reflects on its true meaning (the birth of the Saviour) does not have to end on Boxing Day.

In our home, we played carols up until just a few days ago. We wanted to usher in the New Year with a lyrical reminder of just what Christ’s advent to our earth means for us even today. The coming of Jesus to our earth shows us that we, as the human race, are loved by the God who made us and put us here. He was not satisfied with just creating us, nor was He satisfied with leaving us in our fallen, sinful state. He sent Jesus because He loves the world He made. Though man harms it, though wars riddle it, though unbelief prevails, God will return to it. He cares about the future of the earth, not only because it inhabits the crown of His creation - you and me, but also because it involves His redemptive plans for our future. When Jesus returns to earth - and it could be this year - to gather up those of us who have turned to Him in faith, no matter what in the world is going on at the time, it will be God’s statement to a world that has largely turned away from Him, when they need Him the most. It will be a time for people to stand up and notice - that there is a God, that He is in sovereign control, and that He is carrying out His plan on earth as it is in Heaven. My hope is that whoever reads this will choose to receive Jesus and His peace, as they begin this New Year. There is hope! There is a government to come, which will be carried on the shoulders of Jesus Christ, and it shall be established one day - and He wants all of us to be part of it. So - yes, we may be weary at the global prospects facing us this year, but we can filter them through the lens of Jesus, who told us, these things "must happen," and are signs of what is to come. Namely, His kingdom and reign - where there shall be "no more tears, no more death, no more mourning, crying or pain."

Please note the following Bible passages and reflect on them:
John 3:16
John 14:1-4, 27
Matthew 24:1-14
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Revelation 21:1-4

Have you ever considered putting your faith in Jesus Christ as your Saviour? He can come into your heart and life today if you want Him to.

A prayer for your consideration:

Lord Jesus, I don’t want to live 2009 without you. I realize you came to earth to rescue me from my own sin and to die for those of the world. Please forgive me and help me to walk with you daily in newness of life. Thank you that you are preparing a place for me in your Kingdom. Give me your Holy Spirit to help me live, as you would have me.

In Your name, Amen.