Upcoming Events

We have a new Website!


Highland Laker Kids are discovering this summer all the fun involved with being one of "God's Secret Agents". Please join us as we discover interesting people from the bible, learn some great, positive values and enjoy making creative crafts. Most of all -- the kids just have a lot of fun and get to hang out with other kids!

Summer Sermon Series
Examining Controversial Issues Biblically
Starting Sunday, July 4


Pastor Ron and his family will be away July 26 to August 10. Pastor Ron is a native of Nova Scotia and will be visiting there for the first time in 20 years. Please keep the Mahlers in prayer as they travel, and that the family would have a great time seeing all the sights (and eating lots of fish!)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pastor Ron's Ordination - March 30, 2008

Rev. Bud Penner, President of the AGC, was on hand to officiate at the ordination of Ron Mahler on March 30 at the Community Centre in Minden.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Everyone is welcome!

We are an evangelical Christian group offering different and unique services for those who are seeking to grow spiritually as well as those who are questioning and unsure about the church. Our message is one of hope and forgiveness through Jesus Christ and new life in Him.