Upcoming Events

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Highland Laker Kids are discovering this summer all the fun involved with being one of "God's Secret Agents". Please join us as we discover interesting people from the bible, learn some great, positive values and enjoy making creative crafts. Most of all -- the kids just have a lot of fun and get to hang out with other kids!

Summer Sermon Series
Examining Controversial Issues Biblically
Starting Sunday, July 4


Pastor Ron and his family will be away July 26 to August 10. Pastor Ron is a native of Nova Scotia and will be visiting there for the first time in 20 years. Please keep the Mahlers in prayer as they travel, and that the family would have a great time seeing all the sights (and eating lots of fish!)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Revelation Series

Due to the number of people asking Pastor Ron for copies of his sermon series from the book of Revelation, we have created a booklet. Please speak to him if you'd like a copy.

February has always been considered “heart” month – and the main reason for that is because it hosts Valentine’s Day. Yes – that time of year that we usually express our love, or at least, make some practical effort to express our love and appreciation for someone/significant other. If you are a husband – that is a day you do not want to miss! It’s up there with the wedding anniversary! After all, a nice bouquet of flowers can cover over many - err - sins. Have you ever wondered what “love” really is? We can “love” so many things that really don’t love us back. For example, we could love our car (okay, maybe not), we could love an old pair of blue jeans, love hockey, our dog, or even love a favourite CD, etc. I picked up a flyer from a store recently that was advertising their Valentine’s Day specials. The ad said - “Love Is...Beautiful, Love Is...Glamorous, Love is...A Gift.” And then I thought – how profound. In our culture, to give a gift to someone - is still considered in some way - an act of love. Then I thought - how appropriate it is that Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday this year.
The Bible, which has often been called God’s “Love Letter,” proclaims that “God is love.” That means that God’s character seen in and through His actions and eternal purposes in history, demonstrates His nature – love. All He does in our lives is filtered through His divine, sovereign fingers of love. So when we read the Bible – we are reminded of that – and in that way – it is a “love letter” to us. Do you remember your quirky, awkward adolescent days? Okay, for me, they are not that far removed. I can recall receiving a “love letter” from my very first – “girlfriend.” She was the older woman at 14. I was a dashing 13 year old – who possessed a voice that was changing so much that I could have easily passed for 15! There was just something about receiving a “love letter.” I don’t honestly remember what was written in it – but I do seem to recollect feeling “special” inside, even though we both knew – the whole thing was kind of silly and going nowhere fast. As a matter of fact we “broke things off” when she stole my favourite jacket, which got me in hot water with my momma! Look out!
Well – so much for meandering down memory lane. Besides, the best love letters are the ones that you can see written on the heart and face of a loved one –who has come to have a special place in our hearts. The people who love us the most, it is often said, love us - “as we are.” You may have a face that “only a mother could love,” yet I am here to tell you that only God can love us – as we need to be loved. I leave you with some proof. The following is taken from the content of the “Father’s Love Letter” by Barry Adams. I warn you – what you are about to read is extremely provocative. You may be lead to love God back!
“I am your Father and I love you even as I love my Son, Jesus...For in Jesus my love for you is revealed...He is the exact representation of my being...And He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you...And to tell you that I am not counting your sins...Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled...His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you...I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love...If you receive the gift of my Son Jesus, you receive me...And nothing will ever separate you from my love again...Come home and I’ll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen...I have always been the Father...My question is...Will you
be my child?...I am waiting for you.”

Taken from: John 17: 23, 26, Hebrews 1: 3, Romans 8: 31, 2 Cor. 5: 18-19, 1 John 4: 10, Romans 8: 32, 1 John 2: 23, Romans 8: 38-39, Luke 15: 7, Ephesians 3: 14-15, John 1: 12-13, Luke 15: 11-32

This Valentine’s Day – though God has many things in His possession – He still may not possess something that only you have ----- love for Him. Will you give God a Valentine this year? Will you finally give Him your love?

A Message by Rev. Ron J. Mahler